Our little boy is 10 months old today!
And he's getting sooooo big!
Here a some fun tidbits of life with Hudson right now:
*He is crawling REALLY fast, especially when he spots something he wants, like the dishwasher. He loves the dishwasher, and I really hope his fascination with it continues so that he will help me with the dishes someday.
*He also is fascinated by the garage. I have to make sure he is in his highchair if I go into the garage for whatever reason....laundry, trash.....because when I try to come back into the house, he's blocked the door. Yesterday, I had to come back in through our front door because he wouldn't move.
*His obsession with Morgan's food bowl and namely, her water bowl continues. In fact, it's growing stronger because he's learning the word "No" whenever he tries to play in the water. He makes a break for it any chance he gets.
*New obsession: our printer. He LOVES when I have to print or scan anything. LOVES it.
He gets very upset with me when I don't let him "help."
*Our toilets now remain closed at all times and the caps (on the bottom that cover the screws) are all off. I think that situation explains itself.
*He loves the outdoors as long as it's not too windy. LOVES the grass and the leaves but continues to try to eat them.
*No new teeth - the grand total remains 5, although the eye tooth on top has barely cut through and is hardly visible.
*He can pull himself up to his knees but can't quite pull up to standing yet, although the past few days, he's started to put his left foot on the ground, so any day now.
*He can balance standing as long as he's holding on to someone or something.
*He can buzz like he's playing the trumpet and will do this on command if you say, "What does a trumpet do?"
*I'm winning him over on the oboe.....still hates it when I play, but I think it's growing on him as long as I let him touch the keys.
*Says "dada" often....has uttered "mama" once or twice.....hmmmph.
I can't believe we'll only celebrate one more of these "month" birthdays and then he'll be ONE year old! It's gone by sooooo fast. Every day he does something new and I always ask him, "When did you get so big? Where was mommy when you got so big?" He usually laughs at me when I say this....like he knows something I don't.