Last weekend, I decided I needed to add a little color to our is AMAZING what new throw pillows can do for that room! And it makes me so happy to see them when I come home every day! Ridiculous, I know....but it's the little things.
Hudson is doing great! He's getting sooooo smart! We're realizing more and more that he knows EXACTLY what we're saying. We are now censoring our TV and our words. :)
He LOVES to "drive" the car.....However, after a bout with the CD player (he put quarters in the slot, apparently thinking it was a bank...thank goodness Grandpa was able to fix it!) he no longer is able to play with those buttons. He loves to put on mommy's sunglasses and drive.

We've also discovered the beauty of Joe's Crab Shack!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that place.
We've also discovered the beauty of Joe's Crab Shack!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that place.
Now that the weather is nice, we can sit on the patio and Hudson can play on the playground, but we still get adult food (not McDonald's happy meals, although they have their place, too) and we can even drink a beer! Genius.