Our house sold! I realize this was fast and some of you may not have even known we put it back on the market (Tuesday). It sold on Wednesday. It's a really good offer from a buyer that seems reasonable and educated on the issues of a 53 year old house and its foundation. We still need to get past the inspection process, but I feel pretty confident that this sale will go through.
Darrin and I have been looking at houses in between our CRAZY schedules and hopefully will agree *cough, cough* on a house within the next few days.
Hudson is doing well and will soon turn TWO YEARS OLD. It's crazy how time flies!
This is his most recent 'school picture'....love him.

Better get going to put him down for the night and then put myself down for the night! I'm exhausted after taking 150 middle-school band kiddoes to Six Flags for the day.