Brody is doing MUCH better the past few days...hopefully we've past the fussiest time. At least, that's what I've been told - crying peaks at 6 weeks.
He's much more awake and alert but no smiles yet, except when he's dreaming.
I think he'll smile for us any day now.
Last night he slept from 10pm until 4pm, which was AWESOME.
Needed that. I feel more like a human being than I have in a few weeks!
Hudson is adjusting sooooo well. I'm so proud of him. Some days I think he's handling this better than we are. :-)
He's such a good boy and we love him so much!
He's learning more and more every day. He can now spell and recognize a few words:
Fox, Go, Stop, Zoo. We're working on spelling his name.
He loves letters and LOVES anything educational. I hope he will always be that way!
Darrin had a great 41st birthday. I can't believe I met him 8 years ago (on his 33rd bday). It's been a wonderful 8 years and I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband, who is such an amazing father to our two boys.