"I love thee to the depth and breadth and height, my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight, for the ends of being and ideal grace...I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death."
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Finding the good

Look at me! I'm back! It was NOT, in fact, a "one blog post and then wait, wait, wait again for another" kind of thing. I'm really going to try to make this an every Sunday event.  It's therapy.  And it's free. As this week went by, there were many times I said to myself, "I should blog about that."  Unfortunately, when it comes time to actually sit down and do this, my thoughts aren't always very clear.  There were many ups and downs this week.  Hudson had a sticker every day on his chart at school, but he did have a note on Thursday telling us that he had experienced a meltdown when a friend "aggravated" him.  Still, it is progress.  And progress is good.  I haven't heard from anyone regarding the evaluation they are doing through LISD.  Darrin and I filled out another survey regarding his behavior for an occupational therapist on the school's Autism Evaluation Team.  I don't think he'll qualify for (or need, necessarily) any occupational therapy.  He's not the most coordinated kid, but his vision, hearing and motor skills are fine, I think.  The only concern I really have on that end is some of his sensory issues with noises and smells. What I see him needing is more therapy, one-on-one, to work on controlling his emotions properly/reducing meltdowns/and improving SOCIAL SKILLS.  Time will tell and I'm curious what they will tell us he "needs".

We took an impromptu family photo on Wednesday when my neighbor, Kristen, came over and took one for us. One of Hudson's projects called for a family picture and I was embarrassed that our most 'recent' one was over two years old.

I didn't make it to Darrin's football game performance on Friday, but one of his band parents took this AWESOME picture.  I wish I would have gone.  But the weather was a little rainy and gross and I never know how Hudson is going to handle the noises, lights, smells...and the people.

Saturday was crazy busy Lil Dragons in the morning, then a housewarming party in the afternoon and then Steph's birthday party in the evening.  The boys went to Adventure Kids in the evening and had a blast and the adults had AMAZING food and adult conversation.  Win, Win.

Today, I cooked as much as possible for the week because it's just easier if I cook on weekends and reheat during the week.  We just got back from the park! Both boys are doing awesome on their bikes. Darrin and I were talking about how thankful we are for their birth order.  I'm so glad Brody is younger.  For now, he idolizes Hudson.  He does whatever Hudson tells him to do.  I'm not sure how I'll feel about that when they are teenagers...but for now....

School for me is going really well.  My students are great this year!  My band is a little smaller and honestly, I think that helps me teach them better.  My rehearsals are more focused and efficient with a smaller group and it is nice to have a 3rd band in case anyone in my 2nd band isn't pulling their weight.  Our beginner class overall is AWESOME.  My clarinet class is right after my percussion class (which Mr. Murphy, the percussion coordinator at LHS, teaches) and I am always a little hurried trying to get the chairs set up for my 20 clarinets in between classes so I'm usually a little preoccupied.  On Friday, I noticed one of our percussion kids trying to figure out how to get himself out of the room. He doesn't have hip sockets and has been walking around school...but it was causing too much strain on his body, so Friday was his first day to use the wheelchair. Since it was the first day in the wheelchair, there were a lot of firsts and I'm not sure everyone had thought everything through.  I noticed he was trying to wheel himself but also had his backpack on wheels and it was really awkward for him to get anywhere WITH his backpack.  I go over to him and start moving backpacks out of the way so he can get through.  I also notice that the rest of his class has left and I asked if one of the clarinet kids could help him with his backpack to his next class. Before I could even get the words out, I had three beautiful little girls jump up, all volunteering to help him.  I said, "Benjamin (name has been changed), aren't you so lucky to have all these pretty girls wanting to help you?" He blushed, smiled and agreed.  There are good kids here.  Kids are still good.  At Huffines Middle School, kids are still good.  Kids are still good, everywhere.  Including my own two kids.  We are all good and we are all bad.  It depends on the day. The hour. The minute. I am deliberately choosing to find the good in my own kids, in my students and in myself every day.  And I will admit, some days it is easier than others.

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